Nurture Her

Nurture Her.

Postpartum Recovery Drink: Ginger Turmeric Chai Tea

Getting quality nutrients is so important during postpartum recovery.  Our bodies go through a massive hormonal shift and have a lot of healing to do after giving birth.  Warm drinks can be especially helpful for the digestive system and regulating the nervous system after the marathon task of birth.  Coffee is not always the best option because it dehydrates and stimulates the body at a time when we need more hydration and something soothing. As coffee lover, tea is something that does not come naturally to me.  But I have to say, this ginger turmeric chai tea is currently my favorite and perfect for a postpartum recovery drink ! The flavors blissfully blend together and it feels like drinking a warm hug!  This post will walk you through the why and how of making this tea for postpartum recovery (and really, whenever!)


Ingredients and Tools

4 cups water

2 inch of  Ginger Root or 1/2 tsp. ginger powder

1 inch Turmeric Root or 1/2 tsp. powder

Cinnamon sticks or powder (optional and add to taste)

4 Black Tea bags/Chai tea bags  *link

2-3 cups Whole milk or dairy-free alternative

Tea Strainer or French Press

2-3Tbsp. Maple Syrup



Ginger and turmeric are naturally anti-inflammatory.  During and after the birth process your bodies is prone to inflammation. It is essential to reduce inflammation in the body in order to heal well.  Reducing inflammation will also make it easier for you body to starting producing breastmilk and learning to relax and bond with our baby.

Step 1

Slice ginger root and turmeric root into thin slices.


Step 2

Pour 4 cups of water into a medium pot/sauce pan and add the ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and tea bags.  Bring to a boil, and then turn heat down to let it simmer for 20-30 minutes.


Step 3

Add the milk and maple syrup to saucepan and bring to a boil. Then turn down and let it summer for 5-10 minutes.


Step 4

Pour into a French Press or use a tea strainer and pour tea. This recipe makes about 3-4 8oz servings.



This can stay good in your fridge for about 3 days. 

Does is contain caffeine?

Yes, this tea contains caffeine. I has about 60mg of caffeine, which is less than half the caffeine in a cup of coffee.


Personal Note

I discovered this recipe when I was trying to dial-back coffee intake. This recipe contains caffeine due to the black tea, but it contains far less caffeine than coffee. The ginger and turmeric are great for supporting digestion, and I feel like it has make a difference for me. This tea truly gives me a relaxing feeling in the morning!

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