Nurture Her

Nurture Her.

5 Easy Breastfeeding Snacks That Support Milk Supply

Did you know that a mother’s nutritional demands are higher when breastfeeding than when she is pregnant?  So often we encourage the mother to eat well and stay nourished during pregnancy, but neglect to encourage her to do the same while breastfeeding. The truth is, staying well nourished while breastfeeding is going to benefit your baby as well as you. This article is all about snacks to eat while breastfeeding to support milk supply. First, let’s dive in to understanding what nutrients our bodies need extra of while breastfeeding.

Nutrients Needed While Breastfeeding

It’s important to note that on average a breastfeeding mother will need an extra 500 calories a day in her diet to support milk supply. However, that is just a ballpark. Each mother should listen to her body and eat when hungry. Now is NOT the time to cut back on calories! Your body needs to recover from the demand of pregnancy, and you’re quite literally sustaining another human being with your milk. Be in awe of yourself!

There are a few vitamins and minerals that are especially needed while breastfeeding:




The thyroid works extra hard during pregnancy. Iodine is

Vitamin B12

This vitamin helps support red blood cell development and supporting brain development in babies.  B12 is mainly found in animal products such as meat, milk, and eggs.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps support healthy bone development.  Nearly 2/3 of the U.S. if deficient in this vitamin.


1. Eggs w/ Avocado

This power combo will provide you with healthy fat, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Folate, Iodine, and more! You can eat the eggs any way you want: boiled, over-easy, scrambled, etc. It may be helpful to boil eggs and then be able to grab them as a quick snack before or during breastfeeding.  Even if you don’t have avocados, eating eggs will still provide you will Vitamins B12, D, A, K, B6, Iodine and more!  It is best to eat free range eggs is possible because the egg yolks will contain even more nutrients.


2. Dried Apricots

For the record, fresh apricots are great too, but I am suggesting dried apricots because they are extremely easy to east and eat a descent amount while breastfeeding. “Breastfeeding hunger” can come on quickly, and sometimes you just need a SNACK ASAP! Apricots are rich in iron, potassium, calcium, and antioxidants. You really can’t go wrong with grabbing a handful of dried apricots as you sit down to nurse or pump.

3. Blueberries and Smoothies

Blueberries are filled with antioxidants and fiber! Grab a handful for a quick pick-me-up, or add them to yogurt or a smoothie.  I love putting about a half a cup-1 cup of frozen blueberries in a smoothie. I add things like almond milk, chia seeds, and spinach  to my smoothie to pack in all kinds of powerhouse nutrients.  Frozen blueberries are great to have on hand because you don’t have to worry about them going bad any time soon (making frequent trips to the grocery store early in your breastfeeding and postpartum journey isn’t always practical).

4. Dates

Dates are a highly UNDER-rated fruit. They are packed full of fiber, a variety of antioxidants, potassium, and more! They are a great source of natural sugar to give you a lift and provide energy for producing more breastmilk.   Just 3 dates contain 18% of your daily fiber need, and research has shown that dates can lead to improved bowel frequency.1  Dates are incredibly easy to grab and eat while breastfeeding. A bonus is that you don’t have to worry about them going bad in a week or so like other fruit. Quality of dates definitely makes a difference. My favorite are Medjool dates.  I always buy these one off of Amazon.  It’s always good to pair a fruit with a healthy fate and protein. One of my favorite ways to eat dates is with slices of cheddar cheese, which is also convenient to eat while nursing or pumping  Eating date with protein will help support blood sugar balance.

5. Chocolate and Berries

Finally, my all-time favorite snack…CHOCOLATE!  If you wanted an excuse to eat chocolate, this is your sign. Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants to support your immune system.  It’s also a good source of fiber to help keep things regular. Dark chocolate has even been shown in studies to improve mood.2  If you’re exhausted from being up with your baby all night, you may feel sluggish and maybe even a bit cranky. Grab a few bites of dark chocolate and eat with raspberries or strawberries for an extra source of fiber and vitamin C!



  1. Eid N, Osmanova H, Natchez C, et al. Impact of palm date consumption on microbiota growth and large intestinal health: a randomised, controlled, cross-over, human intervention studyBritish Journal of Nutrition. 2015;114(8):1226-1236. doi:10.1017/S0007114515002780


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